2016GITF展商回顾 | 从都
从都坐落于从化温泉资源中段养生谷地区,风景如画的流溪河畔、美丽的凤凰山脚。距广州市区83 公里,距广州白云国际机场约40 分钟车程。整体项目占地约246 万平方米,其中包括国际会议中心、酒店、高尔夫球汇、水疗中心、侨鑫博物馆等。自2011 年开业以来,已成功举办过“中澳经贸友好交流会议”、“全球经济大讲坛”、“ 全球中小企业领袖峰会”、“中国企业走进拉美论坛”、“2014中澳经济论坛”等一系列高端峰会,并接待过联合国副秘书长甘巴里先生、美国前总统克林顿先生、澳大利亚前总理霍华德先生、澳大利亚前总理陆克文先生、澳大利亚副总理兼财长韦恩• 斯旺先生、哥伦比亚前总统乌里韦先生等贵宾。从都国际会议中心是中国首屈一指的会议中心,包括从都大会堂、凤凰华韵厅、从都厅和行政董事会议厅。会议中心配备先进的会议视听设备,并提供标准、专业、细致的会议全程服务。而从都酒店则是中国国内首个全套房式酒店。大气磅礴的盛唐帝王式建筑由全球首席酒店设计公司WATG 精心打造。90 间宽敞的套房和37 栋华美的院落式别墅错落于山林之中,让每位贵宾尽享完全独立的私密空间。
Located in the middle valley of the health preserving hot spring resource region in Conghua, at the beautiful riverside of Liuxi River and in foothills of Phoenix Mountain, Imperial Springs is 83 km away from downtown Guangzhou and about 40 minutes’ drive from Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport. The entire project covers an area of about 2.46 million m2, including an international conference center, hotel, golf course, spa treatment, Kingold Museum, etc. Since opened in 2011, Imperial Springs has successfully held "China-Australia Friendship Forum on Economy and Trade ", "Global Econoimic Forum", "Global Summit of SME Leaders ", "Going to Latin America", "China-Australia Economic Forum 2014" and a series of high-end summits. It has also welcomed many distinguished guests, such as Mr. Ibrahim Gambari, UN Deputy Secretary General, Mr. Bill Clinton, former U.S. President, Mr. John Howard, former Australian Prime Minister, Mr. Kevin Rudd, former Australian Prime Minister, Mr. Wayne swan, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance of Australia, and Mr. Alvaro Uribe, former Colombian President. Imperial Springs Convention Center is a top-rank conference center in China, which includes with it the Imperial Auditorium, Phoenix Ballroom, Imperial Hall and Executive Ballroom. The Conference Center is equipped with advanced conference audiovisual equipment, and provides comprehensive meeting services of standard, professionality and details. Imperial Springs is China's first hotel that is all equipped with suite rooms. The majestic imperial architecture in Tang Dynasty is designed meticulously by the global top hotel design company WATG. 90 spacious suites and 37 beautiful courtyard villas scattered about in the mountains and forests, allowing every guest to enjoy their completely independent private space.
广州国际旅游展览会 ∣ GITF